That’s why we create green, environmentally-friendly products, use recycled materials whenever possible, and aim to make our products recyclable and/or compostable.

We are also committed to being a lean, green machine when it comes to our manufacturing processes and environmental footprint, because making the world better makes our business better.

Want the nitty gritty on our goals, environmental results, pulp products, certification and more?


That’s why we create green, environmentally-friendly products,
use recycled materials whenever possible, and aim to make our
products recyclable and/or compostable.

We are also committed to being a lean, green machine when it
comes to our manufacturing processes and environmental
footprint, because prioritizing our ESG commitment makes the world better and makes our business better!

Want the nitty gritty on our goals, environmental results, pulp
products, certification and more?


We have set a goal to reduce our energy consumption by 20% by 2025, based on
our 2012 usage. We measure this as Gigajoules per tonne of production. In 2012, our
measurement was 18.18 GJ/ton of production. By 2025 we strive to be at 14.54 GJ/
ton of production. Since 2012, we have reduced energy consumption per tonne of
production by 10%. This is an annual energy reduction of 88,514 gigajoules, which is
the equivalent to the amount of energy used to supply electricity to 1,000 homes for
an entire year. CKF continues working on several “renewable energy” projects to achieve our
energy requirements through use of greener supply!


We have attained our 2025 goal to have 100% of the packaging produced by CKF being recyclable and/or compostable. All substrates produced (Molded Fiber, PET and Polystyrene) are fully recyclable or compostable! As Canadian Provinces and Territories move to 100% Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), we hope to see all substrates included in their collection and recycling programs. This is only one milestone of our commitment to ESG!


The GHG (Green House Gas) measurement contains both the emissions from our
production facilities and the transportation used to distribute product to our customers.
Our original facilities goal to reduce the total carbon footprint by reducing
the tonnes of GHG emissions per tonne of production was set in 2012. We have targeted
60% reduction over base year by 2025. In the years since we launched
our sustainability mission, we have reduced GHG emissions by a staggering 55%.
Our transportation goal is to reduce total GHG emissions per tonne of product shipped.
We have targeted 15% reduction over 2012 (base year) by 2025. This goal has been attained and
we now begin moving to our 2030 goal of 30% reduction in transortation GHG emissions.
Optimizing transportation routes is good for us, for you, and for the environment!


CKF is on the move to zero waste! In the last several years,
we have been able to capture more waste items, such as organics,
plastics and wood and divert the materials away from the landfill.
Between 2014 and 2023, we increased our waste diversion by 500% to,
approximately, 1920 metric tonnes. This constitutes diversion of
approximately 38% of our total waste to landfill generated. We have set
a lofty goal of 50% diversion by 2025. We’re working on it!


CKF focuses on three major pillars of the Social component in our ESG journey:
1) Employee Health & Safety (our #1 Priority listed separately below).
2) Employee Engagement.
3) Community Involvement.
Our employees are paramount to the success of our business and we are committed to treat everyone
with respect, acknowledging their value through various social activities as well as developing their
future through training both on and off the job. Our objective is continuous improvement for our business
and our people. Along with this, CKF supports and encourages charitable donations, activities and
general community citizenship.


We pride ourselves on a proactive safety culture
that is reinforced and supported at all levels of the company.
Accident rates have been steadily declining as all CKF facilities
target our primary mantra of “ZERO HARM”.
In 2023, our Langley, BC facility was awarded with two prestigious
safety awards from Manufacturing Safety Alliance from BC. The
“Fantastic Four Risk Control Leader Award” recognizes a company for
implementing leading solutions in key manufacturing risk areas and
demonstrating leadership in integrating health and safety into their culture,
and the “ Soaring Eagle Leadership Award” given to an executive leader
who demonstrates exemplary and inspiring leadership that includes
commitment to health and safety.
In November 2023, our Packright facility received the
‘Certificate of Recognition (COR) from WorksafeBC.
The Langley facility obtained its COR Certification in February of 2020.
Our Rexdale facility achieved 575 days without a lost time injury.
Our Hantsport, NS facility also has a long history of outstanding safety
performance and has been recognized by Nova Scotia’s Workers’
Compensation Board (WCB) achieving the Mainstay Award for
Safety Excellence in 2009, 2014 and, most recently, in November
of 2020. This is the highest safety honor bestowed in Nova Scotia!
CKF’s commitment to Health & Safety is ongoing as we strive to
make “ZERO HARM” a way of life for our employees.


We have set a goal to reduce our energy consumption by 20% by 2025, based on our 2012 usage. We measure this as Gigajoules per tonne of production. In 2012, our measurement was 18.18 GJ/ton of production. By 2025 we need to be at 14.54 GJ/ton of production. Since 2012, we have reduced energy consumption per tonne of production by 10%. This is an annual energy reduction of 88,912 gigajoules, which is the equivalent to the amount of energy used to supply electricity to 1,000 homes for an entire year. CKF has many ongoing programs and projects that will continue to reduce energy as we focus on achieving our energy usage reduction goals.


Our goal is that 100% of the packaging produced by CKF is recyclable or compostable by 2025. In 2015, 58% of the packaging we produced was recyclable and/or compostable. Our moulded pulp packaging is already 100% recyclable and compostable plus our PET packaging is 100% recyclable. Polystyrene is technically recyclable and a very valuable commodity. We are currently working with industry associations on increasing accessibility to Polystyrene recycling Blue Box programs. In the recyclable category, Polystyrene Foam is collected in many provinces, and report approximately 50% rates of access to recycling for this material.


The GHG (Green House Gas) measurement contains both the emissions from our production facilities and the transportation used to distribute product to our customers. Our original facilities goal to reduce the total carbon footprint by reducing the tonnes of GHG emissions per tonne of production was set in 2012. We have targeted 60% reduction over base year by 2025. In the 10 years since we launched our sustainability mission, we have reduced GH emissions by a staggering 52%. Our transportation goal is to reduce total GHG emissions per tonne of product shipped. We have targeted 40% reduction over 2012 (base year) by 2025. CKF uses various modes of transportation to get our product to market. Optimizing transportation routes is good for us, for you, and for the environment!


CKF is on the move to zero waste! In the last several years, we have been able to capture more waste items, such as organics, plastics and wood and divert the materials away from the landfill. Between 2014 and 2022, we increased our waste diversion by 170% to, approximately, 900 metric tonnes. This constitutes diversion of approximately 22% of our total waste to landfill generated. We have set a lofty goal of 50% diversion by 2025. We’re working on it!


CKF has enjoyed a long history of community investment, as an integral component of our Social Sustainability Mission is people. We have set goals for Employee Engagement and Community Involvement. Local communities are important for our employees and our business, so we participate and assist in developments. Safety has always been and will continue to be an important corporate goal of CKF.


We pride ourselves on a proactive safety culture that is reinforced and supported at all levels of the company. Our Hantsport location maintains the company record of seven consecutive years of no lost time accidents and over a year in our Rexdale plant. Great accomplishments, but our commitment to safety is on going as we work towards a zero incident record.